Martin Parr

Just found some more information about Parr. There is a career overview at Eyestorm and I’ve also found an online exhibition named Mobile Phones which is featured in the book.

On a slight tangent, the ‘new’ Coldplay album is absolutely fantastic, if you’ve not given it a chance yet it’s amazing. I was slightly scathing about their Glastonbury gig but looking back it was actually quite haunting. Oh, and on the left you can see thhe last 5 tracks I listened to on my laptop. Theres some complex IT stuff going on for that to work but not something I want to explain here 😉

Amazon Junkie

I’ve spent a fortune at Amazon this week. Got some photography books i’ve wanted for a while – a Martin Parr retrospective containing photos from his career. Went to see his exhibition at the Barbican earlier this year and it inspired me, especially shots of New Brighton; near my home town. It’s a heavy tome though. Mind the Gap is an eccentric photographic journal of london tubes . Also got Rough Guide to Cambodia (not long to go…), ‘boo hoo’ – novel about demise of and some quite heavy anti-globalisation books – The Silent Takeover and Culture Jam…. now maybe buying from amazon is the pot calling the kettle black…

Holiday time

Getting quite excited, only 24 days until I go away to Thailand and Cambodia. To celebrate this, myself and John Hobson are going to write a blog about our trip so you can keep up to date where we are – when you are in work 😉 We’ll hopefully try to upload some photos and put some other information on there too, for people who are planning a trip to the far east. The link is Keep posted for updates!