
Some new pages! You can access them from the left hand bar under the Expose section. There are photographs of my glamorous trip around Reading and also the Stop the War protest in September. Thanks to John Hobson for the Stop The War photography.

picture blogs

Howard Rheingold’s new book, Smart Mobiles : The Next Social Revolution is out soon and it talks about how society is rapidly evolving with the mobile device at the centre of this transformation. On the same theme, this blog (Hiptop Nation) allows those socially advanced types with the new fancy combined mobile phone cameras to post pictures and text direct to the website. Now that could be very scary! Imagine the shots from a ‘mad’ night out beamed online for all to see the next day…

24 hour hangover

had one of my famous 24 hour hangovers yesterday. Thanks to a long drinking session with my old uni mate James Royle. We managed to visit of few of my locals, something that I haven’t been able to do thus far. It’s reasonable to say that they don’t have the allure of my local in London which was a top pub. My Reading local is one of those old men’s boozers where the carpet has patterned flowers and hasn’t been changed for 40 years. It was a good night though especially finding a bit of drum and bass in the Fez Club to dance to…

david bailey watch out

been out taking photos today with my olympus om-10 camera. reading isn’t the most glamorous town but that’s ok – i like taking photos of the more gritty urban landscape. reading possibly has one of the most disgusting car parks i’ve even seen. great 60/70s brutalism though. i think they’re going to knock it down soon as it doesn’t fit in with Reading’s new modern image.

it’s only rained here about once in the last 35 days. doesn’t seem quite right to me. maybe there is more global warming after all. an indian summer followed by a thai winter. great 😉

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After watching Amelie last night. I realised how much I missed living in France…. and also how bad my French has got. Apart from the obvious homesickness due to no pubs, no sliced bread and no good clubs, i really had a good time when I lived there for a year. I think it would have to be in Paris or Lyon this time though. The weather in Lille was like living in Southern England…